
ILeoConsole re-implementation and plugin framework in Go

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gilc - GoILeoConsole

Why use gilc?

Example plugin using gilc

package main

import (


func pmain(data gilc.IData) {
	fmt.Println("PluginMain runs")
	fmt.Println("LeoConsole Version: ", data.Version)

func pcommand(data gilc.IData, args []string) {
	fmt.Println("My plugin was called")
	fmt.Println("Args: ", args)
	fmt.Println("SavePath: ", data.SavePath)
    ans, err := gilc.ReadLine("Your favourite fruit")
    if err != nil {
    gilc.WriteLine("Your favourite fruit is §4" + ans + "§r.");

func pshutdown(data gilc.IData) {
	fmt.Println("PluginShutdown runs")

func main() {
	gilc.Setup("test plugin", pmain, pcommand, pshutdown)

API Documentation

IData type

type IData struct {
	Username           string
	SavePath           string
	DownloadPath       string
	Version            string

IO functions

func YesNoDialog(prompt string, acceptEnter bool) (bool, error) { }

Yes-No dialog with custom prompt.

func ReadLine(prompt string) (string, error) { }

Input prompt.

func Write(msg string) { }
func WriteLine(msg string) { }

Writes text parsing it according to teh LeoConsole standard (§n).

Config API

func ConfigGet(key string) { }
func ConfigSet(key string, value string) { }

Get and set config values. The config is stored in JSON at var/<plugin-name>/config.json

Other libraries that might be useful for plugin development: