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Advanced package manager for LeoConsole

Locations provided by LeoConsole

Folders and files

These folders are used by apkg or are recommended to use for plugin developers.

Folder Description
$DOWNLOADPATH/apkg files are downloaded, extracted and temporarily stored here
$SAVEPATH/plugins installed .dll plugin files
$SAVEPATH/share/<plugin-name> additional plugins files
$SAVEPATH/share/docs/<plugin-name> plugin documentation
$SAVEPATH/share/docs/<plugin-name>/LICENSE plugin license (auto-installed from plugin repository)
$SAVEPATH/share/docs/apkg apkg documentation
$SAVEPATH/var/<plugin-name> plugin configs, databases and other variable data
$SAVEPATH/var/apkg/config.json apkg’s main config file
$SAVEPATH/var/apkg/installed databases of installed files